Gothic Bites 2024 - 1 - Robert Merry

2024 October 01

It's October, and you know what that means! Gothic bites!

If you didn't read my series last year, the idea is that I'll post a short piece of literature frequently, throughout October, that you can read easily in one sitting -- a bite-sized piece! Last year I did it daily, but I may not have 31 full pieces for this year. I've got enough to fill up your treat back anyway!

Oh, and check out the front page of the site for a special rss feed just for Gothic Bites, if you don't already subscribe to my regular feed and only want these posts.

Robert Merry, Sir Roland, a Fragment, 1786

It begins as a passable pastiche of medieval Roland poems, Roland being the traditional figure to put in some sort of romantic situation involving wizards or enchanted forests. But it quickly takes a turn, with a beautiful beckoning woman who's also a rotting corpse. Shades haunt the waters they sail over. Roland seems enchanted. And the horrifying ending of both his quest and the poem sinks all.

You can read it here